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Tu tu mein mein between Ambassador Rao and Kanchan Gupta
September 04, 2012

Frayed tempers on Twitter between senior journalist and columnist Kanchan Gupta and India's ambassador to the US, Nirupama Rao. Gupta, whose Twitter account was blocked by the government during the exodus of north-eastern people from Bangalore, announces that he has unfollowed Rao...  Read the conversation trail. 

@KanchanGupta I unfollowed @NMenonRao who brazenly justified Congress's unabashed attempt to censor free speech. That's not her tax-funded job.

Ambassador Rao @NMenonRao @KanchanGupta That's quite a shellacking. Not sure if I deserve it. As Ambassador of India I project government policy. Allow me to speak.

Kanchan Gupta @KanchanGupta @NMenonRao Ambassador that wasn't policy you were projecting. It was unjustifiable censorship. Please recall my tweet in response that day.

Ambassador Rao @NMenonRao @KanchanGupta You are entitled to your view as I to mine. I will leave it at that.

Kanchan Gupta @KanchanGupta @NMenonRao Sure. I too would leave it at that.

Smoke emanating out of sundry ears, we hear.
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