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Record 3.2 crore tweets on US Election Day
November 07, 2012

On US Election Day, conversations around the polls totalled 32 million tweets with 23 million tweets sent after the first poll closed, the micro-blogging site said today.

And within minutes of clinching victory, @BarackObama's "Four more years" tweet quickly became his most retweeted tweet ever, Twitter said. Conversation peaked at 327,452 Tweets Per Minute when the broadcast networks in the US called the US President, Barack Obama, winning reelection for a second term--by far the most tweeted moment of #Election2012.

Throughout the day, the 'twitterati' world was abuzz with the election-related issues. By afternoon, average election-related Tweet volume of about 13,000 Tweets per minute (TPM) over the last several hours '" nearly matched the peak moments of the 2012 State of the Union Address and Republican National Convention.

By 2 pm, there were a total of about 6.4 million Tweets since the polls opened in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire at midnight. Nearly 3,000 Tweets per minute reference "I voted," "#ivoted," or similar terms, with the highest number of Tweets among swing states coming from Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Across the 12 USA Today and Gallup-defined "swing states," nearly 76 per cent of Tweets containing these terms plus a candidate name referenced President Obama.
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