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Flight scare during Obama's trip; F-16 scrambled
June 08, 2012
Two F-16 fighters were scrambled on Thursday to intercept two small planes violating a flight ban imposed for a visit by President Barack Obama, in the latest such incident, officials said.

The military jets intercepted a Cessna 206 around 9:00 am (local time) and a Cherokee PA 28 about 30 minutes later in airspace over Los Angeles, said North American Aerospace Defense Command spokesman Lieutenant Commander William Lewis. 

Both planes are single-engine, light aircraft models. 

"The fighters responded after the aircraft entered a temporary flight restricted area, and escorted them until they departed the area," Lewis said in a statement. 

The incidents brought to five the number of aircraft intercepted in California for violating air space restrictions during Obama fundraising visits since the start of this year. 
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