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Read: Guantanamo at 10
January 11, 2012

On the New Yorker:

"Since the destruction of the Twin Towers, ten years and three months ago, two new edifices have risen. Both were the subject of contentious battles in courts, the political arena, and elsewhere; both have a way of provoking irrational responses.

One is maddeningly unfinished, and the other disturbingly unclosed. But one, the new tower at Ground Zero, is beautiful; that is becoming more and more evident as it gets higher, and its faade refracts the light of different seasons. We can look at it with some pride.

The other, the prison at Guantnamo Bay, which opened exactly ten years ago this Wednesday, is ugly, and only gets more so -- distorting, rather than reflecting, our values. It is the bad twin."



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