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Madhuri Gupta granted bail after 21 months in jail
January 10, 2012

Suspended Indian diplomat Madhuri Gupta arrested over 21 months ago allegedly for passing country's sensitive information to Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI, was today granted bail by a Delhi court.

While enlarging Gupta on bail, Additional Sessions Judge Pawan Kumar Jain, however, restrained her from leaving Delhi without prior permission of the court.

The court also warned her against trying to contact any prosecution witness in the case.

The judge, who had on January 7, charged her with offences entailing three years jail term on conviction, released her on bail on a personal bond of Rs 25,000 and surety of same amount.

The court granted bail on her plea that she has already spent over 21 months in jail while the offences she has been charged with carries a maximum jail term of three years on being held guilty.

Gupta, 55, was arrested on April 22, 2010 by the Special Cell of Delhi Police. She was posted as Second Secretary (Press and
Information) in the Indian High Commission in Islamabad.

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