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Long-standing concerns with ISI's links with Afghan rebels
February 02, 2012
Pakistan should "cut off" ties with Taliban, the United States has said pointing out that it has "long standing concerns" over the ISI's links with the Afghan insurgent groups. 

Pentagon spokesperson Navy Capt John Kirby told reporters during an off-camera briefing that the facts laid bare by the damning NATO report, which blew the lid off ISI's "manipulation" of Taliban's senior leadership, were "not a new notion" and these concerns have been raised earlier as well. 

"This is not a new notion, we made those concerns clear and the Secretary has been very clear about the ongoing problem of safe havens inside Pakistan for these groups," Kirby said yesterday referring to a new NATO report on Taliban which says that the ISI continues to help the extremist group, which wants to come back to power in Afghanistan.
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