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Eating pizza could 'really be good for you'
April 25, 2012

It may not be low in calories, but eating pizza could actually be good for you -- only if you add oregano to it, for a study by an Indian-origin researcher saysthe seasoning is a powerful weapon against prostate cancer. 

Supriya Bavadekar and colleagues at Long Island University have found that oregano, a seasoning commonly used in pizza and other Italian food, has the potential to become apowerful weapon against prostate cancer. 

They studied carvacrol, a chemical in oregano. Added to prostate cancer cells in the lab, it rapidly wiped them out.Left for four days, almost all the cells were killed, the 'Daily Mail' reported.

Tests showed it triggered the cells to kill themselves. The oregano chemical could now be used itself as a treatment against cancer, or as the blueprint for an even more powerful drug, say the researchers.

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