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Palestinian demonstrators heckle Zubin Mehta
September 02, 2011

Palestinian demonstrators heckled and repeatedly disrupted a performance by Israel's Philharmonic orchestra conducted by Indian-born Zubin Mehta at
London's famed Proms festival last night. 

The booing and shouting by about 30 protestors in and outside the prestigious Royal Albert Hall where the concert was being conducted also forced the BBC Radio to take the live broadcast off the air for sometime. 

Zubin Mehta, 75, was conducting to celebrate his 50 years with orchestra, which last played at the Proms in 2003. Security around the Albert Hall had been tightened before the show as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign had earlier called on people to boycott the concert and also urged BBC to cancel it.

They alleged that Israel's Philharmonic orchestra had close links with the Israeli army and had been performing shows at army outposts. 

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