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PM wrong to call Gilani 'man of peace': BJP
November 11, 2011

Hitting out at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for calling his Pakistani counterpart Yusuf Raza Gilani "a man of peace", BJP leader Rajnat Singh todaysaid such a statement is wrong from a moral, diplomatic and strategical point of view. 

"Terming Gilani as a man of peace when he has done nothing for checking terror camps on Pakistani soil and Chinese activity in PoK is a result of the wrong policies being pursued by Manmoham Singh and UPA government," he said.

"It is also not right from either moral, diplomatic or strategical point of view as he (Gilani) has made no serious efforts for establishing peace with India," the former BJP president said.

He said Gilani has also not taken any concrete action against those behind 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes and the accused are moving freely in Pakistan.

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