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Clooney had his first orgasm when he was just six
November 10, 2011

Here's what they call too much information, but here you go...


George Clooney has revealed that he started his sex life early and claims that he had his first orgasm during the first grade, when he was just six years old.   During an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, the 50-year-old actor also said that he waited another ten years to have his first sexual encounter, and that he was "young, very young, too young' when he lost his virginity at 16.  

"I believe it was while climbing a rope when I was six or seven years old,' Fox News quoted him as saying. 

"I mean, nothing came out, but all the other elements were there. I remember getting to the top of the rope, hanging off the rope, and going, "Oh, my God, this feels great!' he said.  

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