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Racist Oz broadcaster fined for Dick-shit remark
June 14, 2011

A controversial New Zealand Broadcaster has been slapped with a fine of 2444 dollars for airing a racist joke on Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshitlast October during a TV show.

The Broadcasting Standards Authority also criticised former Breakfast host Paul Henry who while hosting a TV show used derogatory remarks against the Delhi Chief Minister in the course of a discussion on the CommonwealthGames, poking fun at her name. 

The BSA said Henry's statements were offensive to both Dikshit and to all Indian people.  "We consider that Henry's repeated ridicule of Dikshit's name amounted to a sustained and deliberate attack against the Chief Minister personally.

"His subsequent comment, which associated the words 'dick shit' with people of Indian descent was not only derogatory but entirely dissonant with common decency and a clear breach of the discrimination and denigration standard,"BSA decision said. 

It was also noted that Henry's manner, which included sneering and uncontrollable laughter during the segment, worsened his offence.

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