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Scathing Sonia promises to fight for Lokpal
December 21, 2011's Onkar Singh reports that Sonia Gandhi, in her first interaction with the Congress Parliamentary Party after her return from the US for an undisclosed surgery in September, said that there were no differences between the party and the government.

She made a scathing attack on members of the civil society led by Anna Hazare saying, "Yeh aar par ke ladai hai..I am always ready to fight," she told a small group of journalists.

According Navin Jindal who attended the meeting at the Central Hall of Parliament, Sonia Gandhi touched upon all topics including the Lokpal bill.

"The cabinet has approved the Lokpal bill and it will be introduced in the Lok Sabha soon," she said.

She also spoke about the Food Security bill in particular and described it as a major achievment. 

Telecom minister Kapil Sibal told journalists after the meeting, "She referred to the strides made by the government as promised by the party in its manifesto during the 2009 general elections."

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